Friday, August 28, 2015

The Focused Leader

A Primary task of leadership is to direct attention. To do so, leaders must learn to focus their own attention. When we speak about being focused, we commonly mean thinking about one thing while filtering out distractions. But a wealth of recent research in neuroscience shows that we focus in many ways, for different purposes, drawing on different neural pathways—some of which work in concert, while others tend to stand in opposition.
                                               Leadership Skill                                 
Grouping these modes of attention into three broad buckets sheds new light on the practice of many essential leadership skills. Focusing inward and focusing constructively on others helps leaders cultivate the primary elements of emotional intelligence. A fuller understanding of how they focus on the wider world can improve their ability to:  Devise Strategy, Innovate, and Manage Organizations.
Every leader needs to cultivate this triad of awareness, in abundance and in the proper balance, because  

Focusing on Yourself

Emotional intelligence begins with self-awareness—getting in touch with your inner voice. Leaders who heed their inner voices can draw on more resources to make better decisions and connect with their authentic selves. But what does that entail? A look at how people focus inward can make this abstract concept more concrete.


Hearing your inner voice is a matter of paying careful attention to internal physiological signals. How well people can sense their heartbeats has, in fact, become a standard way to measure their self-awareness.
Zeroing in on sensory impression of ourselves in the moment is one major element of self-awareness . But another is critical to leadership:combining our experience across time a coherent view of our authentic selves. 
To be authentic is to be the same person to others as you are to yourself. In part that entails paying attention to what others think of you, particularly people whose opinions you esteem and who will be candid in their feedback. A variety of focus that is useful here is open awareness, in which we broadly notice what’s going on around us without getting caught up in or swept away by any particular thing. In this mode we don’t judge, censor, or tune out; we simply perceive.
Leaders who are more accustomed to giving input than to receiving it may find this tricky. Someone who has trouble sustaining open awareness typically gets snagged by irritating details, such as fellow travelers in the airport security line who take forever getting their carry-on’s into the scanner. Someone who can keep her attention in open mode will notice the travelers but not worry about them, and will take in more of her surroundings.


Of course, being open to input doesn’t guarantee that someone will provide it. Sadly, life affords us few chances to learn how others really see us, and even fewer for executives as they rise through the ranks. That may be why one of the most popular and overenrolled courses at Harvard Business School is Bill George’s Authentic Leadership Development, in which George has created what he calls True North groups to heighten this aspect of self-awareness.
Groups are based on the precept that self-knowledge begins with self-revelation. Accordingly, they are open and intimate, “a safe place,” George explains, “where members can discuss personal issues they do not feel they can raise elsewhere—often not even with their closest family members. What good does that do? We don’t know who we are until we hear ourselves speaking the story of our lives to those we trust,” George says. It’s a structured way to match our view of our true selves with the views our most trusted colleagues have—an external check on our authenticity.


“Cognitive control” is the scientific term for putting one’s attention where one wants it and keeping it there in the face of temptation to wander. A colloquial term for it is “willpower.”

Cognitive control enables executives to pursue a goal despite distractions and setbacks. The same neural circuitry that allows such a single-minded pursuit of goals also manages unruly emotions. Good cognitive control can be seen in people who
Executives who can effectively focus on others emerge as natural leaders regardless of organizational or social rank.
Tests of willpower by the psychologist Walter Mischel’s experiment on children statistical analysis showed that a child’s level of self-control was a more powerful predictor of financial success than IQ, social class, or family circumstance.
How we focus holds the key to exercising willpower, Mischel says. Three sub varieties of cognitive control are at play when you pit self-restraint against self-gratification: 

Focusing on Others

The word “attention” comes from the Latin attendere, meaning “to reach toward.” This is a perfect definition of focus on others, which is the foundation of empathy and of an ability to build social relationships—the second and third pillars of emotional intelligence.
We talk about empathy most commonly as a single attribute. But a close look at where leaders are focusing when they exhibit it reveals three distinct kinds, each important for leadership effectiveness:
  • Cognitive empathy—the ability to understand another person’s perspective;
  • Emotional empathy—the ability to feel what someone else feels;
  • Empathic concern—the ability to sense what another person needs from you.
Cognitive empathy enables leaders to explain themselves in meaningful ways—a skill essential to getting the best performance from their direct reports. Contrary to what you might expect, exercising cognitive empathy requires leaders to think about feelings rather than to feel them directly.
An inquisitive nature feeds cognitive empathy. As one successful executive with this trait puts it, “I’ve always just wanted to learn everything, to understand anybody that I was around—why they thought what they did, why they did what they did, what worked for them, and what didn’t work.” But cognitive empathy is also an outgrowth of self-awareness.

The executive circuits that allow us to think about our own thoughts and to monitor the feelings that flow from them let us apply the same reasoning to other people’s minds when we choose to direct our attention that way.

Emotional empathy is important for effective mentoring, managing clients, and reading group dynamics, It is about to feel fast without thinking deeply.

They tune us in by arousing in our bodies the emotional states of others: I literally feel your pain. Our brains patterns match up with yours when I listen to you tell a gripping story. A study says that you need to understand your own feelings to understand the feelings of others.

Accessing your capacity for emotional empathy depends on combining two kinds of attention: a deliberate focus on your own echoes of someone else’s feelings and an open awareness of that person’s face, voice, and other external signs of emotion.

Empathic concern, which is closely related to emotional empathy, enables you to sense not just how people feel but what they need from you. It’s what you want in your doctor, your spouse and your boss.
Empathic concern has its roots in the circuitry that compels parents’ attention to their children. Watch where people’s eyes go when someone brings an adorable baby into a room and you’ll see this mammalian brain center leaping into action.

Research suggests that as people rise through the ranks, their ability to maintain personal connections suffers.

Empathic concern is a double-edged feeling. We intuitively experience the distress of another as our own. But in deciding whether we will meet that person’s needs, we deliberately weigh how much we value his or her well-being.

Focusing on The Wider World

Leaders with a strong outward focus are not only good listeners but also good questioners. They are visionaries who can sense the far-flung consequences of local decisions and imagine how the choices they make today will play out in the future. They are open to the surprising ways in which seemingly unrelated data can inform their central interests.


“A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.” :-Herbert Simon

The wellsprings of innovation

In an era when almost everyone has access to the same information, new value arises from putting ideas together in novel ways and asking smart questions that open up untapped potential. Moments before we have a creative insight, the brain shows some kind of deflection .It is suggest that what’s happening is the formation of a new neural network—presumably creating a fresh association.
A classic model of creativity suggests how the various modes of attention play key roles.


A focused leader is not the person concentrating on the three most important priorities of the year, or the most brilliant systems thinker, or the one most in tune with the corporate culture.

 Focused leaders can command the full range of their own attention: They are in touch with their inner feelings, they can control their impulses, they are aware of how others see them, they understand what others need from them, they can weed out distractions and also allow their minds to roam widely, free of preconceptions.

It takes is not talent so much as diligence—a willingness to exercise the attention circuits of the brain just as we exercise our analytic skills and other systems of the body.

The link between attention and excellence remains hidden most of the time. Yet attention is the basis of the most essential of leadership skills—

And never has it been under greater assault.

Our goal here is to place attention center stage so that you can direct it where you need it when you need it. Learn to master your attention, and you will be in command of where you, and your organization, focus.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

How to Express your Idea?

Are you afraid of sharing Ideas? Are you afraid of being rejected? .Firstly, you need to understand that, you have to make yourself clear about the idea. Secondly, the most important question is “how to you present your ideas?”, so they have an impact. Expressing the idea is the most important thing for making it considerable. How you convince people to consider your idea? Basically, you need to focus on three key elements for expressing your ideas:

1) Have a clear point of view:  
“Prospective is worth 80 IQ point”, which means idea with clear and congruent visions will have more importance. To express you must be very clear with your point of view. To make a good point of view it must be non-obvious & even counter-intuitive i.e. you should be easily able to picture another intelligent person arguing different prospective and having passion about the opinion. The idea should meet there spectrum and leave them persuaded.

2) Cite evidence to back-up your points:
Evidences are all the stuff you require to prove your point. You need to describe the success to the audience if they exercise it & failure if they didn’t, backing up your idea with site research and relevant statistical data with respective authority .Finally re-assure that your idea will have an enormous impact and huge contribution, to persuade the audience you need to display insight & awareness using multidimensional prospective about the idea.  

3) Engage your audience with storytelling:
A storytelling likes anecdotes and pop cultures, this will not only make it pleasurable but also create grounded abstract about the idea that is pertinent into the reality they know. Your voice, vocabulary and phasing have great importance .It is better to picture a person you know well and imagine how quickly you can explain the idea to him/her.

The ability to express an idea is well nigh as important as idea itself:- Bernard Baruch.

People love new ideas they want to hear it, don’t make it too hard for them! Telegraph your point of view, back it up with evidence and engage them with good storytelling.         

Monday, August 24, 2015

Payment Banking: The next Big Shift of Financial Inclusion


The monetary system in India has endorsed marked changes since the time of liberalization. The Banking sector reforms & technologies change are main attribute for the success of banking & allied sector. A greater participation from the foreign sector, as well as the private sector, has been game changers.
The RBI Governor performing experiment to boost-up the Indian economy by making suitable changes into current framework this structure will be put in the place forward to growth. These new type of niche bank was proposed in the Nachiket Mor Committee Report on 'Comprehensive Financial Services for Small Businesses and Low Income Households'. These are expected to be game changers for India expanding banking services. RBI expected that this more will play vital role in bringing million of unbanked Indian Into the folds of bank, which is now possible by embracing the rural population.
New mode like Payment Banking license, will managed to significantly reduce the cash usage in the economy increase the flow of digital money somehow cutback the corruption and contemplated to meet credit & remittance needs of small business, unorganized sector, low income households, farmer & migrate workforce ,this kind of availability of fund advance the era.
The judgment of RBI is in favor for both financial sector and transforming India. Payment banks no threat, are feeders to the universal banks. These banks have account to regulate the flow, so that whole capitals come under the radar to universal banks. The main reason for select different sector

Payments bank would be permitted to set up its own outlets such as branches, Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), Business Correspondents (BCs), etc. to undertake only certain restricted activities permitted to banks under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. Initially be restricted to holding a maximum balance of Rs. 100,000 per individual customer and with greater mobile money transfers and payments the dream of a cashless society can be realized as well as leakages in the system will reduce.
International experience shows that mobile money transactions and these financial innovations have been a very successful in small economy countries. These banks thus will add a much-needed financial inclusion dimension to the banking system. Over the next decade or so their functioning has the potential to bring about another revolution in the banking sector.


Thursday, August 20, 2015

India will Surely step-up The Ladder of Happiness!!

Government is bringing out a fundamental change in the paradigm of doing business in India. This new culture now matched the corporate culture, which is why there will be so much investment in India through FDI. This will increase employment opportunities and lead to the growth and development of country eventually leading to happiness. It would be possible because 65% of population is less than 35 year, hence providing a large amount of youth workforce to the Investors.

As quoted by Honorable Prime Minister of India,"Bharat ek naujawaan desh hai , aaj jahan jawaani labaalab bhari padi hai."

The concept of happiness & well-being are very likely to help guide progress toward sustainability development. Twelfth Five Year (2012-17) Plan’s objective  “Faster, More Inclusive and Sustainable Growth”, which indicated that we are moving towards happiness & well-being .The well-being is directly proportional  to  resource utilization (like how many kilometer/mile for a liter/gallon?), this would create necessitate of resources which will lead towards the well-being & happiness . More resource leads to more employment which further leads to capital generation, make the people of country happy
Yet,India has not fared well in global ranking of the happiest nations. The index that took account entrepreneurship (GEDI),Health & Education, Personal Freedom, Safety(GPI),Governance,GDP as indicator of happiness. Hopefully we will soon become the happiest country .