Tuesday, August 25, 2015

How to Express your Idea?

Are you afraid of sharing Ideas? Are you afraid of being rejected? .Firstly, you need to understand that, you have to make yourself clear about the idea. Secondly, the most important question is “how to you present your ideas?”, so they have an impact. Expressing the idea is the most important thing for making it considerable. How you convince people to consider your idea? Basically, you need to focus on three key elements for expressing your ideas:

1) Have a clear point of view:  
“Prospective is worth 80 IQ point”, which means idea with clear and congruent visions will have more importance. To express you must be very clear with your point of view. To make a good point of view it must be non-obvious & even counter-intuitive i.e. you should be easily able to picture another intelligent person arguing different prospective and having passion about the opinion. The idea should meet there spectrum and leave them persuaded.

2) Cite evidence to back-up your points:
Evidences are all the stuff you require to prove your point. You need to describe the success to the audience if they exercise it & failure if they didn’t, backing up your idea with site research and relevant statistical data with respective authority .Finally re-assure that your idea will have an enormous impact and huge contribution, to persuade the audience you need to display insight & awareness using multidimensional prospective about the idea.  

3) Engage your audience with storytelling:
A storytelling likes anecdotes and pop cultures, this will not only make it pleasurable but also create grounded abstract about the idea that is pertinent into the reality they know. Your voice, vocabulary and phasing have great importance .It is better to picture a person you know well and imagine how quickly you can explain the idea to him/her.

The ability to express an idea is well nigh as important as idea itself:- Bernard Baruch.

People love new ideas they want to hear it, don’t make it too hard for them! Telegraph your point of view, back it up with evidence and engage them with good storytelling.         

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